Tag Archives: Murder Mystery

Black History Month!

One of the most ground-breaking of our authors is Nikki Baker: an African-American lesbian who created the first series African-American Lesbian amateur PI. The feminist press Naiad Press was publishing an impressively vast array of titles under the leadership of Barbara Grier and Donna McBride as early as 1973(!). But it wasn’t until Nikki Baker …

Simple Justice by John Morgan Wilson

Benjamin Justice Returns! 25th Anniversary Revised Edition LOS ANGELES—John Morgan Wilson’s celebrated Benjamin Justice series, whose debut novel “SIMPLE JUSTICE” won an Edgar Award for Best First Novel, returns in a revised edition marking its 25th Anniversary. “Politically pungent, exactly observed, and conceding little comfort, Wilson is heir to the shockingly unsentimental vision of Patricia …

The Edith Wharton Murders by Lev Raphael

Nick Hoffman / Academic Mystery Series continues LOS ANGELES—June 9, 2020—ReQueered Tales is pleased to welcome Lev Raphael’s second installemnt in his Nick Hoffman series – “THE EDITH WHARTON MURDERS”.  “Is vulgar literary taste sufficient motive for murder? Actually, killing is too kind for the vindictive scholars in Lev Raphael’s maliciously funny campus mystery The …

Mask for a Diva by Grant Michaels

4th Installment Goes Full On Operatic! LOS ANGELES—April 14, 2020—ReQueered Tales can’t suppress our effervescent giggles at the release of “MASK FOR A DIVA” by Grant Michaels.  “In Michaels’s fourth starring vehicle for Boston hairdresser and sometime sleuth Stan Kraychik, this campy caper proceeds with an endearing predictability … and Stan’s wisecracks continue to tickle …

Murder and Mayhem by Matt Lubbers-Moore

An Annotated Bibliography of Gay and Queer Males in Mystery, 1909-2018 LOS ANGELES—February 25, 2020—ReQueered Tales offers award-winning gay and lesbian fiction in mystery, literary and sci-fi genres. And now … an original bibliography targeted at enthusiastic queer fiction readers and the academic research community alike.  There’s a rich history of scholars making lists of …

In The Game by Nikki Baker

A Virginia Kelly Mystery, Book 1 LOS ANGELES—January 14, 2020—ReQueered Tales, successfully launched in 2019, is restoring award-winning gay and lesbian fiction to print with a focus on mystery, sci-fi and literary genres. Since May 2019, we’ve reintroduced eleven authors to old friends and a new generation of readers.  Virginia Kelly is black – the …